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- Decade maintenance


- Server upgrades and bug fixes


- Maintenance completed on Saturday


- Maintenance during 16-18.4.2010


- Dynamic DNS in Assembly '07 PartyNet


- DNS server fixed

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Privacy policy

We cannot guarantee any privacy here. But we try to maintain some.

To protect you and ourselves from spammers, we will not intentionally publish any lists containing email addresses, and will make it really, really hard, if not impossible, to harvest them from our site. We won't sell the list of our users email addresses.

(The fine print: Unless someone pays us a million dollars, or euros. Hey, everyone has his price, but this is really, really unlikely to happen, given our current user base and the average price of a '10 million email addresses' CD-ROM 8-)

To make it clear that this site does not help to run anonymous sites, we will (using the lookup page) tell anyone (who specifically asks for it) what address was a given name pointing to at a given time. Give us the name and time, we give the IP address. We currently hold 3 months worth of history on-line. This does not really breach the privacy of our users, since the purpose of the service is to provide name-to-address mappings.

The lookup page does not give out the email address used as the user account. This wouldn't realistically help anyone to find an abuser anyway.

We use one temporary HTTP cookie named 'dysession' to store a random secret cookie during your visit on the dy.fi website for identifing you after you've entered your password. A second HTTP cookie named 'dysettings', set to be stored for 60 days, is used to store your settings. Currently only your language selection and login email address is stored in this cookie.

If you are worried about eavesdropping on the network between you and the service, you can browse this site and do automatic updates over TLS/SSL at https://www.dy.fi/. We support strong encryption. Your browser will give a warning about our self-signed security sertificate, but that only means that we have opted not to pay money to some company which would simply take it and claim we are who we claim we are because we pay them money.

dy.fi powered by Hessu's Damn Good Software
4845 hosts · 3202 users, 0 new today, 52 logged in
statistics · changelog · abuse at dy dot fi · appelsiini.org