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Free DNS hosting for your domain

As a new feature dy.fi now offers the possibility of hosting your own domain name on the dy.fi DNS servers. All dy.fi features (including dynamic DNS and URL forwarding) are available with your own domain. You can also enter static IP addresses.

To start using your own domain with dy.fi:

  1. Check the availability of a domain name

    If you or one of your friends already has a domain, you can delegate it or one of it's subdomains to the dy.fi DNS servers. This doesn't usually cost anything (with the exception of redelegation of .fi domains), since it only requires adding or changing two NS records in the domain's zone file.

    Companies and registered organisations may apply for .fi domains from Gandi, Joker or Go Daddy (and numerous other places).

    Registering your domain name will cost you some money. As a free service, dy.fi cannot guarantee that it (or anything) will work for you. Please become familiar with how the Domain Name System works before registering your domain.

  2. Add the domain on the dy.fi DNS servers

    Once you have selected a domain name, add it on the dy.fi nameservers before registering it from the registry of your choice.

    By doing so you make sure that other dy.fi users can not add the domain on the dy.fi servers and gain control of it after you have registered it, paid for it and delegated it to dy.fi.

    If you're registering a .fi domain from Ficora, you need to set up MX records which define where email destined for the domain is routed. Ficora requires that MX records exist for each domain. Create a record by adding a host for the domain in question (leave the hostname field empty, just select the right domain!) and enter the complete hostname (eg. mailserver.yourdomain.fi) of your email server in the e-mail routing (MX) field of the host options.

  3. Register and delegate the domain within a week

    Register the domain from a registry. Specify yourself as the administrative, technical and billing contact.

    Delegate the domain to the dy.fi DNS servers. Specify ns1.dy.fi and ns2.dy.fi as the nameservers of the domain. Do not enter the IP addresses of the servers, even though there are fields for them in the delegation form.

    You do not need to include any other reference to dy.fi in the domain registration. The domain will be in your control, and you can later point it to other DNS servers if you wish.

    If the delegation does not happen within a week, the domain will be removed automatically from the dy.fi servers, and you will need to go through step 2 again. You can manually check for delegation correctness using the delegation test feature.

Using your own domain with dy.fi:

After adding your own domain it will appear in the drop down box on the Add a new host page. From here on, the service will work with your domain the same way as with dy.fi's domains, with the following exceptions:

  1. You can point names to static IP addresses

    The static IP mapping is set up in the name options. After setting up static IP mapping you may still point the name dynamically to another IP address using a client program or the point link. Once the dynamic mapping is released, the name will automatically be pointed back to the static IP address.

  2. Use of your domain is not as restricted as using the dy.fi and tunk.org domains

    You may point the domain itself (without any preceding hostname) to an address. dy.fi does not reserve well-known names like www, mail or ftp.

  3. You can have more names in your own domain

    Currently, you may configure up to 100 names in your domain.

Restrictions in the service:

  1. The free service provided by dy.fi is not meant for making business, and there are no guarantees it will work at all at any given time. On the other hand, there have been no outages in the dy.fi DNS service since it was opened on 12th of March, 2004.

  2. Maintaining reverse DNS information is not (yet) supported. If you wish to have proper reverse records, you need to maintain them somewhere else.

  3. Delegating subdomains of a domain to other nameservers is not (yet) supported.

  4. Each hostname can have one A record (IPv4 address), one MX record (email routing to a server) and one AAAA record (IPv6 address) at a given time. Other resource records (NS, TXT, NAPTR, SRV, PTR...) are not supported for now.

  5. It is not possible to change the contents of the SOA record, or the TTL values of records.

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